Past Small Group Experience Speech #1-This speech is 3-5 minutes & no notes or slides are permitted. This is one of only two speeches where every speaker will speak by themselves. For this speech you will draw from your module #2 journal and tell us about a small group you have been a part of at some point in your life. As you construct this speech refer to module two and be thoughtful about what is a small group. After you choose your past group choose two skills you acquired from being part of this group and tell a detailed and well-developed story about your experience to demonstrate. Use the outline template provided on canvas to organize your ideas that must be submitted before you speak. Please note that all written assignments, including outlines, must be typed in order to receive credit in this course. Speech #1- REQUIRED OUTLINE TEMPLATE
About Your Group Speech #2: Each member of your group will talk for 2-3 minutes speech will be delivered and will introduce the class to your group. The entire group will take part in development and presentation. There are six possible topics for this and some groups may choose to break the categories to be discussed by more than one speaker but they cannot overlap. For example, two people from you group might discuss meetings roles & break up the roles to each area. Your entire group will submit one document where each person provides one verbal citation from the course text and explains their category for the speech. Each speaker must have at least one verbal citation and/or refer to the course text at least once. The speech is approximately 3-5 minutes long and must have at least 1 verbal citation from the assigned course text. Your group is required to introduce your group banner on this day. Topics for this speech include: 1. Group Name or/and Mascot/ Symbol 2. Group communication plan- how will you keep in touch? (must designate someone as communication director to send reminders for meeting) 3. Group Vision Statement(explain how differs from mission statement) 4. Group Banner Explanation 5. What are the challenges of interacting in a virtual group? Speech #2- REQUIRED SLIDE TEMPLATE
Speech #3 Business Plan for Research Speech - Each member of your group will talk for 2-3 minutes speech and present the assigned slides. Your group will choose both a module & one mural from local art collaborative Creative Crossing. Choose the small group related reading from module 2, 4, 7, 8 or 9. You will break the module into concepts. This speech is a status report/ plan for how you will approach the research speech and there is a slide template for the facts that CCB wants you to cover.
Informative/Education Research Speech #4: The goal of this 8-10 minutes session is to help your peers understand a reading and to start thinking through your final paper. The entire group will take part in development and presentation. The group will utilize the Brady Bunch system where the entire group will all be visible in GoReact and prerecord speech before presentation day. You are each expected to provide at least 5 different sources during the course of your speech including 1 statistic, one story and at least one WOW fact. You must each solo cite your sources not only on your outline but also during the course of your speech. If you choose to use speaking notes you will face a 10% grade deduction for their use. The education speech requires you to find a way to take course content and make it exciting for your peers. You should end your speech by introducing the next speaker by name and their topic. Each group member include an interactive element such as game or workbook activity, a slide show, and media clip that helps teach the idea. Each group member is required to speak and share three concept from the chapter & how that concept ties back to one of the course learning objectives. Please create this presentation so that classmates could follow along with their workbooks and complete them. As part of this speech each group member must submit with their personal outline the section of workbook chapter with responses in word file (not pdf) that they will be addressing. Additionally, during the zoom session the group should manage the chat box to ensure that the class is engaging with their chapter as the speech is presented. This is the first assignment when a visual aid is mandatory and you will receive credit for logging into your campus Gmail and posting a working link to slides the class session before each research speech. Please note that submitting a working link is worth points. If you link does not work it Dr. CCB will highlight your link in red and send you a message using remind. You should never email presentation to the instructor.
Persuasive /Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Research Speech #5: The goal of this 8-10 minute speech is to persuade an audience to take a specific action in regards to a local effort. The non-profit pitch speech is your final group project for the class. The group must themselves complete the engagement activity they are encouraging the class to partake in; because of COVID this does not need to be a physical volunteer project and can be done digitally. The group will utilize the Brady Bunch system where the entire group will all be visible in GoReact and prerecord speech before the presentation day. Your group will design both a pitch but also interview a stakeholder and identify at least one other deliverable. Each group member will discuss an aspect of the issue addressing. Each group member must solo submit their own slides and outline with at least 5 verbal citations.. Visual aid via google slides are mandatory and you will receive credit for logging into your campus Gmail and posting a working link to slides the Friday before your speech. Please note that submitting a working link is worth points. If you link does not work it Dr. CCB will highlight your link in red and send you a message using remind. You should never email presentation to the instructor.
Speech #4 & 5- INFORMATIVE SPEECH REQUIRED OUTLINE TEMPLATE *Please note there is not provided slide template for final research speeches you will need to create an original slide presentation that follows the rules discussed in module 5. **Please be advised there are video examples and detailed descriptions of each aspect of speech assignment in Canvas.