2014 Ed.D. Educational Leadership (Higher Education), Fresno State University (with honors) 2009 M.A. Communication Studies, California State University, Northridge 2004 B.A. Communication Studies minor Women Studies, CSU Northridge 2002 General Education for Transfer, Bakersfield Community College 1999 HS Diploma, East Bakersfield High School Teaching Experience 2022Part-Time Lecturer, Educational Leadership Doctoral Program, CSU, Bakersfield EDLD6750 Applied Theories of Justice- Department of Education Leadership (online zoom)
2022-23 Instructor, Education Unlimited Pre-College Summer Program University California Los Angeles, University of California Berkley & Stanford . 2017-Present Professor, Department of Communication, Bakersfield College Delano Teaching Assignments in Rural Kern: Delano, McFarland, Shafter, Southeast Kern Adult School, Early College Arvin High School & Concurrent Enrollment Kern County Homeschool Program COMM B1 Public Speaking - Department of Communication (hybrid, f2f, online) COMM B4 Persuasive Communication – Department of Communication COMM B5 Argumentation & Debate- Department of Communication (hybrid, f2f, online) COMM B6 Intercultural Communication- Department of Communication COMM B8 Small Group Communication - Department of Communication (hybrid, f2f, online)
2006-2017 Full-Time Lecturer, Department of Communications, California State University, Bakersfield COMM 108 Public Speaking – Department of Communications COMM 304 Technical and Report Writing - Department of Communications COMM 3058 Intercultural Communication- Department of Communications COMM 376 Interpersonal Communication - Department of Communications CSUB 103/303 Passion to Learn/ Intro to Video Game Studies - First Year Experience GST 132 Women/Gender Speaker Series –Department of Women & Gender Studies
2005-2017 Adjunct Instructor, Communication Studies, Bakersfield Community College COMM B1 Public Speaking - Department of Communication COMM B2 Interpersonal Communication - Department of Communication COMM B5 Rhetoric and Argumentation - Department of Communication COMM B8 Small Group Communications - Department of Communication
2005-2006 Teaching Associate, Communication Studies, California State University, Northridge COMS 151/L Public Speaking - Department of Communication Studies COMS 195 Forensics - Department of Communication Studies WS 400 Women Studies Senior Seminar (TA) Department of Women & Gender Studies
Publications Cruz-Boone, C. (2022). Rejecting Us versus Them: A Plea for California Community College Faculty to Address Racism and Equity. Rostrum.
Cruz-Boone, C., Boschini, D., & Sherman, T. (2015). Evaluating adjunct professors for promotion: A case study approach to review student evaluation of teachers CLEARvoz Journal.
Cruz-Boone, C. (2014). Training future geoscientists and collaborative scholarship: Strategies to recruit, retain and help diverse geoscience students succeed (Order No. 3684735). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text: The Humanities and Social Sciences Collection. (1660973024).
Cruz-Boone, C, (2009), Playing with herself: A textual analysis of sex in video games (Master’s Thesis, California State University, Northridge).
Professional Talks & Paper Presentations Diaz, V. (Moderator), Agard, S., Citalin, N., Cruz-Boone, C., Garcia, O., Gomez, M., Wolaridge, K., Williams, R., (23 March 2023). First generation faculty stories. Bakersfield College. Fireside Room. 3:00-5:00 PM
Cruz-Boone, C. (2023). Encouraging play at Bakersfield College and beyond: Why board games improve engagement and communication. Norman Levan Faculty Colloquia. March 17, 2023. 10:30-1:00 PM
Cruz-Boone C., Philips, M. Acosta, H., Holland, C., Auerbach, E., Maddex, M., Staller, M., & Butcher, F. (2023). Teaching in exile: A narrative inquiry of community college faculty maintaining community during the COVID19 pandemic through use of storytelling. Kern Community College District Leadership Conference. February 15, 2023, Bakersfield College, California: Fireside Room.
Cruz-Boone C. (2022). Teaching in Exile: A narrative inquiry of community college faculty maintaining community during the COVID19 pandemic through use of storytelling. Top Paper at National Communication Association 108th Annual Convention “Honoring PLACE: People Liberation, Advocacy, Community, and Environment” November 17-20, 2022, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Hara, K.N.M., Hashim, E., Lapuz, D.R., Dillion, D., Kuhns, K., Cruz- Boone, C.(2021). Reimagining Digital Global Engagement in Community College and Beyond: Concurrent Session 1. Association of American Colleges and Universities: Global Learning Conference October 7, 2021 2:15 PM – 3:15 Eastern Time via Zoom.
Cruz-Boone C. (2021). Stanford Community College Education Partnership for Internationalizing Curriculum (EPIC) Alumni Spotlight. Stanford University EPIC. August 13, 2021 via Zoom.
Cruz-Boone, C. (2019). Early College in Rural Kern County: Faculty Maintaining Rigor. Bakersfield Community College all Staff Opening Day. January, 10 2019 at Bakersfield College Panorama Indoor Theatre.
Cruz-Boone, C.. Guzman, A., Oropeza, J., Ramos, D. (Arvin HS student). (2018). Social Justice in Practice: Early College in Rural Communities. Student Success Conference. The RP group: Research, Planning & Professional Development for California Community Colleges. April 14, 2018 Cruz-Boone, C. (2018). Rolling the Dice: Divorce or Board Games? RenX Talks. April 11, 2018 at Bakersfield College Panorama Indoor Theatre.
Cruz-Boone, C. (2016). “Allies Outside the CSU” 2nd Annual CSU Lecturer Conference on Shared Governance. California State University, Los Angeles November 12, 2016 Golden Key Building.
Cruz-Boone, C. & Hartsell, B. (2016). “The Dual Existence of Hometown & University Life: Using Faculty Narrative to Help First Generation Students Persist.”19th Annual Conference CSU Teaching Symposium. San Jose State University, October 21-22, 2016 SJSU Student Union.
Cruz-Boone, C. (2016). “Change your phone policy: Cell phones at teaching tools.”19th Annual Conference CSU Teaching Symposium. San Jose State University, October 21-22, 2016 SJSU Student Union.
Cruz-Boone, C. (2016). “Are you my mother?” A Discussion about the Barriers & Solutions for Contingent Faculty, Activists & Parents. 12th Annual Conference for Coalition of Contingent Academic Labor. Edmonton, Canada August 5-7 Alberta University Listre Center.
Cruz-Boone, C. (2016). Deficit Thinking Framework & the Adjunct Professoriate. 12th Annual Conference for Coalition of Contingent Academic Labor. Edmonton, Canada August 5-7 Alberta University Listre Center.
Cruz-Boone, C. (2015). Evaluating Minority Student Experiences in Post-Secondary Science Programs. Fresno State University Research Symposium. Henry Madden Library May 7, 2015
Cruz-Boone, C. (2015). Mentoring Hispanic students to pursue STEM related fields. National Social Science Association. March 29-31, 2015 at Las Vegas Conference Center.
Cruz-Boone, C. (2014). Student success and research mentoring in STEM higher education: Student and faculty collaboration in the production of geoscience scholarship. Center for Leadership, Equity and Research (CLEAR) 3rd Annual Mentoring Summit Conference. October 24, 2014 at Fresno State University.
Cruz-Boone, C. (2014). Mentoring Hispanic students: Student success and research mentoring in geoscience education at California State University, Bakersfield. Geological Society of America (GSA) annual conference. October 19-22, 2014 at Vancouver, BC Canada.
Cruz-Boone, C. (2014). Diversity in STEM. CSU Southern California EdD Symposium: Action research. May 31, 2014 at California State University, Los Angeles.
Cruz-Boone, C. (2014). Gamification of listening skills. The 17th annual CSU: Teaching symposium teaching for high impact & online learning. March 7-8, 2014 at California State University, San Marcos.
Cruz-Boone, C. (2014). “A Case Study of Teaching Job Interviews in Introductory Public Speaking” The 16th Annual CSU “Teaching Symposium Teaching for High Impact: Deep and Engaged Learning.” Feb. 22-23. 2013 at Maritime Academy. Cruz-Boone, C. (2012). “The Avengers: Video Games & Education.” Gamer Education Day Symposium. May 4th 2012 at California State University, Bakersfield.
Cruz-Boone, C. (2008). “Building Bridges in the Desert: A Roundtable Discussion of a Grassroots Collaboration Success Story” accepted for Western States Communication Association “Engaging Through Service” February 15-19 2008 at Broomfield, Colorado.
Cruz-Boone, C. (2007). “A Virtually Real War: Gender Production in Contemporary Platform Games” accepted for The National Women’s Studies Association 28th Annual Conference “Past Debates, Present Possibilities, Future Feminisms." June 28-July 1 2007 at Pheasant Run, St. Charles, Illinois.
Cruz-Boone, C. (2006). “Diversity Retention in Academic Debate: 4 Recommendations for Enacting Critical Pedagogy” accepted for National Communication Association Convention “Creating Sites for Connection and Action.” November 16-19 2006 at San Antonio Texas Convention Center.
Cruz-Boone, C. (2006). “Incorporating Feminist Pedagogy to Strategies for Coaching Disabled Students in Policy Debate” accepted for The National Women's Studies Association conference “Locating Women’s Studies: Formations of Power and Resistance.” June 15-18 2006 at Oakland Marriot.
Cruz-Boone, C. (2006). “Her-story: Marginalized Women's Testimonies” Performance Accepted for Pacific Southwest Women’s Studies Association Conference “Students and Teachers Working Together: Confronting Unnatural Disasters: Feminist Engagements Across and Within Borders.” April 22 2006.
Cruz-Boone, C. (2006) “Women of Color Succeeding in Academia” accepted for Women’s History Month; Women’s Issues Symposium. March 23 2006 at California State University, Northridge.