Dr. Chris Cruz-Boone’s decision to run for California AD32 is driven by five core issues that are critical to the future of Kern and Tulare counties:
Education: With significant federal changes looming, particularly in special education, the need for a strong education advocate that knows Kern and Tulare counties has never been more urgent. As a school board trustee, parent and educator, Dr. Cruz-Boone has firsthand experience with the local challenges posed by Sacramento's shifting policies. She has witnessed the disruption caused by these changes and is committed to championing policies that prioritize the needs of local students, teachers and families.
Water Access and Management: Water availability, clean and affordable drinking water, groundwater management and equitable distribution are central to the region's future. Dr. Cruz-Boone is dedicated to advocating for sensible water policies that protect our vital resources while prioritizing infrastructure investments for clean and accessible drinking water for rural and disadvantaged communities, white supporting sustainable agricultural practices in Tulare and Kern counties.
Environmental Concerns: Air pollution, pesticide use and the impacts of climate change, such as extreme heat and wildfires, are major threats to public health and the region’s economic stability. Floods in the Kern River Valley as well as fires in Tehachapi, Kernville, Lake Isabella and Frazier Park, have not only damaged critical infrastructure but also exposed the urgent need for long-term improvements. Dr. Cruz-Boone is committed to ensuring that these environmental challenges are addressed with both restoration and forward-thinking infrastructure solutions.
Crime and Public Safety: Community safety and rising crime rates are key concerns. Dr. Cruz-Boone understands the urgency of tackling these issues and will prioritize policies that enhance public safety, support local law enforcement and reduce crime across Kern and Tulare counties. Dr. Cruz-Boone is committed to supporting programs that help rehabilitate offenders and reduce recidivism, ensuring that individuals who are incarcerated have the opportunity to reintegrate successfully into society. Through her work in Sacramento, she will also advocate for stronger state-level efforts to address sex offenders, gang violence and domestic abuse, ensuring that every community in Kern and Tulare counties feels safe and supported.
Drug Prevention and Awareness: In her role on the BCSD Safety and Climate Committee, Dr. Cruz-Boone has been at the forefront of addressing the growing drug crisis in local schools. She has worked tirelessly over the past three years to implement drug prevention programs, including the rollout of vape detection devices and the distribution of Naloxone and Narcan for overdose interventions. In Sacramento, Dr. Cruz-Boone will push for stronger state funding for prevention programs, better resources for school districts and policies that hold pharmaceutical companies accountable for their role in the opioid epidemic, ensuring that local communities have the support they need to fight the drug crisis.
These five issues reflect the unique challenges faced by Kern and Tulare counties—challenges that Dr. Cruz-Boone is ready to address with a focus on sustainable solutions that will benefit the region's diverse communities and industries.
*My father Billy died March 27, 2024. I shared part of our story at BCSD Parent University Graduation 2024. I continue to honor him with my ongoing commitment to address drug prevention in my community.